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Investigator Claims ‘No Agent Working The Case’ Agreed With Comey’s Decision to Let Clinton Off Hook

by Unknown , at 4:53 AM , has 0 comments
An individual at the center of the more than year long DOJ and FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server is speaking out, and that person has a lot to say, according to Fox News.  Much of it directly at odds with remarks by FBI Director James Comey. Speaking with Fox News on the condition of anonymity, the individual reportedly says career FBI agents and attorneys involved in the Clinton investigation were left feeling demoralized after Director Comey announced charges would not be recommended in the case. “No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute — it was a top-down decision,” the source told Fox News. CLICK FOR MORE
 Investigator Claims ‘No Agent Working The Case’ Agreed With Comey’s Decision to Let Clinton Off Hook
Investigator Claims ‘No Agent Working The Case’ Agreed With Comey’s Decision to Let Clinton Off Hook - written by Unknown , published at 4:53 AM . And has 0 comments
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