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Our Islamic Bi-Sexual Crack Pipe Smoking U.S. President Barack Obama is FLOODING MORE U.S. CITIES WITH MUSLIM MIGRANTS some of whom are TERRORISTS BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA!

by Unknown , at 10:47 AM , has 0 comments
Even in the face of coordinated jihadist terrorist attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota, the Obama administration is continuing to settle throughout the United States Muslim migrants from Middle Eastern and African war zones. Wayne Madsen Reports has learned from knowledgeable sources that the Obama administration recently announced plans to settle some 150 Muslim migrants in Missoula, Montana. More may be on their way. CLICK FOR MORE
 Our Islamic Bi-Sexual Crack Pipe Smoking U.S. President Barack Obama is FLOODING MORE U.S. CITIES WITH MUSLIM MIGRANTS some of whom are TERRORISTS BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA!
Our Islamic Bi-Sexual Crack Pipe Smoking U.S. President Barack Obama is FLOODING MORE U.S. CITIES WITH MUSLIM MIGRANTS some of whom are TERRORISTS BENT ON DESTROYING AMERICA! - written by Unknown , published at 10:47 AM . And has 0 comments
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